Understanding Your Teeth Replacement Options

Teeth Replacement Options in Scottsdale Todd Shatkin, DDS

If you’re like one of the 178 million Americans missing one or more teeth, according to the American College of Prosthodontics, then you have likely already had or have considered teeth replacement options. Today, there are many treatments that can help restore your smile in terms of both appearance and function.

With so many options, it can be difficult to determine which is right for you. You’ll need to discuss treatments for your individual case with your dentist, but you can review these teeth replacement options for a general idea of what your options may be.Teeth Replacement Options in Scottsdale Todd Shatkin, DDS

Dental Crowns and Bridges

Dental crowns and bridges are some of the most widely used teeth replacement options. They come in a wide range of materials, with porcelain being one of the best available due to its durability and natural tooth-like coloring.

A dental crown replaces a decayed or damaged tooth that still has healthy, intact roots. Material is trimmed away from the top of the tooth to prepare a peg-like base for the replacement. The crown is custom-made to have the correct shape to match your smile.

A bridge can provide a replacement for one or more teeth. If you need a tooth replacement for a tooth that is entirely gone, a dental bridge uses two healthy teeth on either side as a foundation. The teeth are prepared the same way they would for a dental crown, and the dental bridge is attached to the teeth and spans the gap.

Crowns and bridges can restore your smile, facilitate eating and speaking, and prevent long-term oral health issues. However, they rely on existing healthy teeth as a foundation, so they aren’t right for every situation.

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If you’re missing all or most of your teeth, then dentures are likely one option you can consider. These removable teeth replacements provide a full mouth of teeth that lets you speak and eat much more naturally than with no teeth.

However, dentures have downsides as well. They’re often uncomfortable and don’t protect against long-term oral health issues. Many individuals who have used dentures for years will experience jawbone deterioration and shrinkage.

Mini Dental Implants

Mini dental implants are a teeth restoration option that can provide results in many situations. They are small metal posts that are embedded in the jawbone to provide exceptional strength and stability for teeth replacements. They can support crowns, bridges, or even full arch replacements or dentures.

Mini dental implant-supported dentures are a growing choice among individuals with all of their teeth missing. The treatment process is less invasive than conventional dental implants, and the stabilized dentures provide greater comfort and long-term oral health benefits than traditional dentures.

Find Out Which Teeth Replacement Options Could Help You

Each of these teeth replacement options is right for some patients and some specific situations. Dr. Todd Shatkin at Scottsdale Dental and Facial Aesthetics can determine how to address your unique needs. Schedule your free consultation today to find out more.

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