The World of Snap-On Dentures

Snap on Dentures in Scottsdale Arizona Learn More Today

When you’re one of the 36 million Americans with no teeth, you may consider a denture to restore your chewing abilities and confident smile. However, traditional dentures are known to have their problems. Some patients are allergic to adhesives, which limits the stability of their dentures. Others experience problems speaking and chewing, damaging their self-esteem. If any of these situations sound familiar, there is a solution: snap-on dentures. Instead of messing around with adhesives and traditional dentures, you may be a candidate for this alternative replacement for your missing teeth.

Snap on Dentures in Scottsdale Arizona Learn More Today

Explaining Snap-On Dentures

Traditional dentures rely on your bone and gums to create enough suction to hold the plate in place. Snap-on dentures are a prosthetic supported by implants and snaps into place. They have buttons that snap into the attachments on the implant.

Choosing Snap-On Dentures over Traditional Dentures

Deciding on a set of dentures takes time. It’s crucial to consider the difference between traditional and snap-on dentures and the benefits both provide. This will help you decide which option is the best for you.

More Comfort and Increased Stability

Traditional dentures often require the help of an adhesive to hold them in place. Their opposition, snap-on dentures, have better retention because of precisely placed implants. This retention improves patients’ ability to eat and talk.


As the name implies, snap-on dentures require snapping in and out of the mouth. This constant movement causes more wear and tear, making them less durable than removable dentures.


Many insurance companies deny payment for snap-on dentures, leaving the patient responsible for their cost. Your treating dentist can give you an estimate, but this procedure can cost up to $10,000 in the United States.

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Many factors influence the price, including how many implants are needed and the materials used. Comparatively, traditional dentures average between $2,000 to $4,000.

Your Snap on Denture Appointment

During your consultation, your dentist will examine your bone structure to determine whether your jawbone will support dental implants. Some patients lack adequate bone levels and need bone grafting procedures. Your gums will require a healing period in preparation for implant surgery. After placement, the implants will fuse with your bone, ensuring they are secured.

You’ll wear immediate dentures during this healing period until you’re ready for the second surgery. Locators are attached to the implants at this appointment, creating a base for your snap-on dentures.

Advantages of Choosing Snap-On Dentures

Besides replacing your missing teeth, these innovative devices provide a wide array of advantages, which include:

  • Increased stability compared to traditional dentures
  • Better comfort
  • Gives a more natural appearance
  • Helps with chewing
  • No more funny-tasting adhesives
  • Prevents bone loss

Patients with implant-supported dentures experience less tissue inflammation because the denture doesn’t move around as much.

Trust Scottsdale Dental and Facial Aesthetics for Your New Dentures

The dental professionals at Scottsdale Dental and Facial Aesthetics provide free consultations for patients to review their issues and formulate a custom treatment plan without worrying about upfront costs. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and learn more about snap-on dentures.

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